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Caring for those who care for others
As health care workers treat COVID-19 patients, they face the same disruptions and challenges to everyday life that many others are experiencing because of the pandemic. To support our health care heroes experiencing such challenges, UCHealth established the Health Care Worker Emergency Relief Fund. To date, the fund has assisted 155 of our employees experiencing hardship as a result of COVID-19.
Work of art expresses gratitude for our heroes
Our community has been incredibly generous to Longs Peak Hospital during the pandemic. Community member and local artist Basia Christ shared her gratitude for our health care heroes in a unique way. She created an 18-inch-by-24-inch acrylic painting titled “We Pray” for Longs Peak Hospital.
Medically necessary surgeries resume at UCHealth
On April 27, UCHealth began resuming a limited number of medically necessary surgeries and procedures. The decision is based on careful research and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Ways to make a difference during the pandemic
We are grateful for the community’s many meal donations to our health care heroes during the pandemic. With the reactivation of additional services at our hospitals, we are tapering off these donations, ending them on May 15, 2020. In lieu of food donations, there are many ways you can help continue the fight against COVID-19.
Blood donors answer the call
We asked, and you answered. Garth Englund Blood Center has had an amazing response to its requests for blood donations during the pandemic. Read more, and learn about a new opportunity for donating convalescent plasma.
Stories of healing and hope
Courage, persistence, determination. These are qualities that define humankind and that will see us through the pandemic. Patients are recovering. Progress in treating COVID-19 is being made. Focusing on the positive helps create the reality we all want to live in. Thus we share these stories.
Community support fosters resilience
In the 2 1/2 years since Longs Peak Hospital’s opening, its connection to our community has become strong. That Community connection has been integral in helping bolster and sustain our workers during this challenging time.
Together we are stronger
As our nurses, staff and providers tackle what may be the toughest few weeks of our careers, we know that we are not alone. We are grateful to have the support of the community. Our community has responded in ways we've never seen before, food deliveries to our hospitals, thank you signs and chalk drawings at every entrance, thousands of emails and messages sharing love and support, and donations of new personal protective equipment or other supplies.
Together, we address the challenge of COVID-19
As the world faces a pandemic, our community is coming together to address an unprecedented challenge unlike anything most of us have ever seen. Neighbors are helping neighbors. Pharmacies and grocery stores are staying open to serve the public, and their employees are working tirelessly to stock and deliver essentials. On social media, messages of gratitude and hope abound. People are sharing ways to cope, through virtual fitness and meditation classes, video church services, and more. On the front lines, we have our health care workers.
COVID-19: Ways to help
We welcome our community’s partnership in fighting this pandemic. You can make a difference for our health care heroes by donating to COVID-19 Emergency Relief and by donating blood. Learn about these opportunities and more ways you can help.